Mental and Emotional Resilience


Life can be tough sometimes and you need to rely on resilience to help you make it through. Challenges are part of life, as are the fun, rewarding, easy times. By using resilience techniques and building your mindset skills you can learn how to keep yourself positive and strong in the face of setbacks and challenges. Success can be slow and takes time, which itself can be challenging.

The path to success in life is a learning process, try, fail, learn and try again. You cannot escape failure but maybe you shouldn’t try. By learning that failure is not a reflection on your value or skill can help you process it in a healthy way. It’s not an error on your part, but a natural part of growth journey towards success. Sometimes life does deal us a hard card, loss, death, change, grief, illness, rejection or the destruction of the success you’ve worked so hard to gain. Your mindset can help you through these stronger challenging times too.

Mental Resilience

Your thoughts guide your emotions. How you think about something creates how you will feel about it. The rules that you live your life by, also feel your emotional responses. Without a disciplined mindset your emotions are left to react to any passing thought without being balanced with thoughts of consequence. Learn to create a resilient mindset that creates balanced emotions.

You must be able to think through events, thoughts and feelings in order not to react strongly and quickly without thought to external triggers and potential repercussions. To stop pause and think, to be calm and not succumb to strong emotions (non-reaction) but to express and process them as they arise.

You can support your mental thought processes, especially when challenged, with affirmations and a positive mindset. Think about the situation before reacting. Are you being rational or fair? Have you judged the situation correctly? Will there be consequences to an emotional outburst? Do you need to think about the other person’s perspective, emotions or situation? and lastly one to think about, is someone trying to manipulate you into giving an emotional reaction or to control you and your behaviour? before you react, think.

Emotional Resilience

This is one of the core skills to help you deal with aggression, manipulation and bullying from others and from within yourself. It is learning self-mastery of your own emotions. Part of this skill is learning to how to gain validation for your self-worth and self-approval from your own opinions not from other’s judgement or guidance. To not be overly reactive to criticism by developing inner confidence.

Your emotions are an indicator of what you are thinking. By being aware of your emotions, but knowing that they come from your thoughts, will help you use your thoughts to create emotional balance. Emotions are strong, and will drive you to make all kinds of impulse choices and behave in unwise ways. Learn to balance your emotions by balancing your mind. Think, feel, analyse, respond.

The benefits of mental and emotional resilience are:-

  • Emotional balance and regulation
    You can nuture better relationships if you behave rationally, fairly and calmly. No-one can cope with tip toeing around someone on eggshells unable to know if someone will react calmly or aggressively without seeming provocation. People like predictable people who they can discuss things with rationally, and who consider the feelings of others.

  • Better mental health and life growth
    Learn to work through setbacks rather than letting them overwhelm you. Your mindset filters and judges life and lets you know how you should see it. Once you get on a roll of thought, you will then find more of the same, until you have snowballed into an unnecessary place. Life happens but it’s how you think about it that changes how you will respond. If you let small set-backs damage your confidence and hold you back, then you will never grow on to bigger success. If you can learn to keep your thoughts balanced you will stay in a balanced emotional place.

  • Regulated self-confidence
    You can learn to feel good about yourself, even when things aren’t going well. You can manage this by not judging your worth by basing it on your success, status or by being better than others or most liked. These are external sources of confidence that will come and go as you ebb through life. Base your confidence on balance, self-compassion and unconditional self love. Know that you worth isn’t chosen by the values of other people.

How to grow

  • Growth mindset
    Develop a growth mindset, focus on effort, determination and growth rather than criticising yourself. Transform your set backs into learning experiences. Ask yourself questions about what you have learnt and how you will change and do it better next time. Read more…

  • Persistence and perseverance skills
    Learn to keep going, be brave and strong, focus on long term goals and be inspired about what you hope will be the results. Know that success means long-term consistency and keep going despite any bumps in the road.
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  • Self-awareness
    Learn to be aware of how you are feeling and how your responses and behaviour can be affecting the world around you. Sometimes we create the same negative situations that we may complain about. Ask yourself, Am I being fair or kind? How do I feel? Am I coping? Do I need help and if so what do I need? What can I do for myself to make myself feel better?
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  • Mental awareness
    What are you thinking? Be aware of what you are mentally feeding yourself. How can you reset your mindset to be stronger. What’s your self talk? Think about if you tell yourself things like, it’s hopeless, I’ll never be able to do this, I’m stupid, I should just give up, everyone else is always better than me or I’m so unlucky, good things don’t happen to me. Spend your time with positive people and in inspiring environments. Feed your mindset some good stuff. Read good books and watch uplifting movies.

  • Self-positivity
    Learn to see positives. Have you learn t something? Keep hope alive. Be calm. Learn what you love to do and make sure you find time to do it. Use your mindset to transmute a negative day into a positive one or know what you can do to turn your mood around. We all appreciate a friend to lean on from time to time, but when we need that friend to just get through our day is when you become a drain on the energy of others. Read more…

  • Acceptance
    Life has natural highs and lows and most bad times don’t last forever. Learn to adapt, change and accept support for those parts of life that change forever. We all grieve with rose-tinted glasses, our childhood, our kids as little ones, lost loves or an enjoyable period in time that has gone. Life grows, people grow and each part of our life has meaning and lessons. There are natural sad times but there are natural happy times too. Accept that some challenges are inevitable and were always going to be part of life.