#2 Types of Alpha Leadership Style


Being an alpha is a mindset, a potential. Any alpha skilled person may or may not be a leader though. A person with an alpha mindset may be lower down in a group due to others having stronger alpha skills or by being less established within an existing group. They may not belong to any particular group through nature or election. A alphas and B alphas struggle to mix group styles, so if an A alpha only has B alpha groups to choose from, in any given situation, they may prefer to go it alone. More about this later on. 

A head alpha of any group can be the elected or a natural leader of a social group, a work group, a hobby club group or a family. There are two types of leader of any group, there’s an A alpha and a B alpha style. Both styles command management over their chosen groups but in different ways.

Some leaders may not fall strongly on either scale or may hover over both styles depending on their mood, stress levels and circumstance etc. The group will tend to match to the elected/enforced leader (manager/parent) or natural leader’s (skilled/friendship) leadership style. Groups tend to be attracted to either A or B alpha style but there can be circumstances where there are forced mixtures such as families or workplaces. Natural leaders will be chosen based on the strength of the individual on the alpha scale (skills, intelligence, confidence etc). Some groups may consist of several potential A or B alphas waiting in the wings eg. a strong B alpha may have several allies in the group that are on the B alpha scale but not as strong an main alpha (if the alpha is removed they will look to take the alphas place). 

A alphas tend to be more individual and self-sufficient but they enjoy groups rather than need them and tend to form healthier groups.

B alphas tend to group together for safety and will form ‘cliques’ more readily.

There are ways to be a more positive A alpha style leader and create a more balanced group.

Leadership styles

The alpha of a group is usually the one who stands out, organises get togethers, addresses problems in the group, defends group members and directs the group interests and focus. How these are handled is down to the two different management styles.

Either alpha type can have second in commands that support the main alpha.

A alpha (assertive) is a person who leads with respect, consideration, strength and intelligence.

A alphas will look at the groups needs and aims, communicate clearly and openly with all members, consider individuals feelings/needs, be fair to all and lead by natural inspiration style.

B alpha (narcissistic style) controls with punishments, manipulation, aggression, threats and fear.

B alphas will move the group to focus around their needs, authority, value and status as alpha; rewarding (carrots) and punishing (sticks) as required.

A Alpha’s Personality Skillset

  • Emotionally self-fed – doesn’t rely on others as much for emotional support and self-value

  • Self-confident (I can) and has good self-esteem (I am)

  • Calm, stable and balanced, predictable

  • Consistent and loyal where deserved

  • Skilled and intelligent

  • Smart to resisting manipulation and intimidation. Rewards with balanced kindness.

  • Leads by respect and is inspirational

  • Creates co-operative, calm, supportive group

  • Looks at the needs of the group balanced with their own needs

  • Assertive – speaks first, organises get togethers and defends/confronts any negative behaviours

  • Communicates clearly and openly with individuals

  • Growth mindset (I will be) – Plans for growth, change and the future

A Alpha Groups Behaviours

  • Hierarchy - There may be an enforced hierarchy (such as in business) but group members are equally valued for whatever role or status thay have.

  • Solutions - Focus is on fixing problems, evolving processes and continued growth. Errors and failure are seen as something to learn from.

  • Analysis - Blame focus isn’t assigned to an individual, only what their part what in a particular situation is and how the group as a whole can change, learn and grow from feedback and errors.

  • Acceptance of responsibility - People accept responsibility when there isn’t a focus on individual punishment and consequences. When responsibility is spread across the group for each person’s role and is seen as a way to improve and grow.

  • Collaberation - People work together when they feel they are working as a supportive team unit, working towards a positive goal. There’s no focus on blame or individual reward/punishment. People help each other when they feel it won’t be a detriment to them and they trust that others will support them (empathy) not compete with or blame them (B alpha).

  • Group Goals and Rewards - When people are pushed to look at themselves as an individual in a group, with their own individual reward, value and punishments, competing with others in the group then they stop working as a team, and work as an individual.

  • Assertive Communication - People communicate to the group using honest, open talk. There’s a focus on respect, fairness and expression.

  • Calm and relaxed - With blame, shame, punishments and competition not encouraged, people relax and focus on growth, efficiency, proficiency, process improvements and response to potential challenges.

B Alpha’s Personality Skillset

  • Emotionally fed from the admiration, support, praise from the group

  • Gets confidence and self-esteem from being ‘the best’ in the group (high achievement, authority, skills, status and success)

  • Emotionally unstable, up and down, friendly and cold. Fiery temper. Unpredictable.

  • Inconsistent, intense bond and then cool. Loyalty is dependent on what’s the best option for the alpha or who has most pleased them currently

  • Can be skilled and intelligent but…can use others for their skills, status and claim the glory. May embellish on skillset and achievements and insist on validation from the group.

  • Smart to using manipulation and intimidation techniques on lower group members to control them

  • Leads by high carrots (social rewards) and high sticks (social punishments)

  • Creates anxious, competitive, blame/shame focused group

  • Looks at how the group meets their own needs

  • Speaks first, organises get togethers and rewards/punishes any unwanted behaviours – excludes those who do not meet required behaviour

  • Communicates with word salad, insinuation, gaslighting, triangulation and manipulation (Fear. Obligation. Guilt. Unworthiness. Shaming)

  • Fixed mindset (I am) – Defines life into what things ‘are’ and that things are set into polar opposites with no change, grow or spectrums.

B Alpha Groups Behaviours

  • Hierarchy - There is a social value hierarchy to the group, a top (best & valued) and bottom (less & undervalued).

  • Judgement - Critical focus on what’s been done wrong, not been done ‘properly’. Group members are valued by performance. This value is only kept by continued performance.

  • Blaming - You did it, you didn’t help, you didn’t do it right, you didn’t tell me. Responsibility for errors or failure is shifted to others.

  • Deflection of responsibility - I wasn’t involved, it wasn’t my fault, I didn’t get told. Members avoid taking responsibility and never grow.

  • Competitive - People fight to be the best liked by the alpha (carrots) or to avoid punishments (sticks).

  • Individuals - This group focuses on everyone is an individual, fighting for their own value, needs, defence, support and wellbeing.

  • Manipulation - People communicate: individually with others, by hearsay/gossip and by using F.O.G.U.S. rather than honest, open talk.

  • Emotionally volatile - Group members tend to be jealous, suspicious, anxious, and closed. People compete with each other to be the best.

If you are already a leader, natural or elected, then work towards more Alpha A skills and attributes, to guide your team towards more A alpha style behaviour. The benefits of A style leadership are rewarding for the alpha, and all members of the group. A alpha skills also help you survive working / living within a group that leans towards B alpha styling.